Uncategorized . 31 Jan 2014 . Talatu Kwasu

Olumo Rock.

If there is one thing the city of Abeokuta is most popular for, it definitely has to be the ubiquitous presence of rocks in the city. Even the name “Abeokuta” literally means “under the rock’. The most prominent of these “rocks” is the Olumo Rock, a massive outcrop of rocks which served as shelter for the Egba people during inter-tribal wars over a hundred years ago.

Located at Ikija road, Abeokuta in Ogun state, Olumo Rock is a great tourist centre. On a visit to this monumental site, you will find a fast food restaurant, a museum and a recreational park at the base of and around the rock. People who have no interest going up the rock can enjoy the view from the recreational park at the base.

Related: 50 Cheapest Hotels Near Olumo Rock

There are a number of routes to the top of the rock, in a bid to serve every kind of tourist. Some may decide to take the elevator or the escalator and arrive at the top in minutes. But as with every highland, the beauty of exploring is in the ascent. There is a stairway which makes every trip to the top worth the effort. You can take your time to admire the many fascinating views along the way.

These views include carvings on the walls, caves around the rocks, statues and a shrine, all reminders of when the Egba people inhabited the rock.

As interesting as it sounds, taking the stairway can be quite a task; so there are benches under trees along the way for when you might need to take a little break, refresh yourself before resuming the climb.

Getting to the top of the rock, a kind of exhilaration will be felt, the kind that makes you want to scream “Wow!” as you take in all of the ancient beautiful city of Abeokuta which can be seen very clearly from this height; old and new buildings, the Alake of Egbaland’s palace, the Ogun river too.

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